The upcoming festive season could see an increase in cybercriminal activity and online fraud - as financial, law enforcement and banking experts warned at a press briefing in Budapest.
On 20th November, a press briefing was held about the CyberShield project, which was launched two years ago in cooperation with several organisations (Hungarian Banking Association, MNB, NGM, IM, Hungarian State Treasury, SZTFH, NMHH, NVSZ, NKI, ORFK). At the event, which was well received by the press, one of the points made was that the weakest link is still the individual person, who in most cases voluntarily gives over his or her data to cybercriminals. "Despite the technology and the effortful work of the digital experts working in the background for security, we often learn that people open the 'door' themselves and let the fraudsters in," said Ágnes Sütő, Deputy Secretary General of the Hungarian Banking Association.
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