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2023. February 27.

Press Announcement: The Hungarian Banking Association proposes to increase the budget available under the successfully launched Baross Gábor Reindustrialisation Loan Programme

Companies with stable operations represent vital building blocks for a competitive national economy

Domestic companies typically participate in the chain processes of economic fields such as services or trade and industry, which make them vital building blocks of a competitive national economy. In addition to EXIM and MFB, there are close to 20 commercial banks providing funding to Hungarian companies in the total value of HUF 12 000 billion per year. Domestic banks are committed to providing a constant, stable stream of credit to Hungarian companies.

The Hungarian Banking Association is asking the Government and the Ministry of Economic Development to increase the budget of the Baross Gábor Reindustrialisation Loan Programme. The Hungarian Banking Association also calls for the development of an allocation methodology which, irrespectively of the size of the budget, ensures that banks and businesses can plan ahead with the allocation of funds, and that the national economy can use funds in an efficient and timely manner.

27 February 2023                                                                                                          

Hungarian Banking Association

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