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2020. October 16.

GOOD DEED Bank is closing the week with nice results


Budapest, 16 October 2020

A number of member banks joined the first event of the GOOD DEED Bank programme series created by the Board of the Hungarian Banking Association. On the closing day of Banking Blood Donation Week, Takarékbank’s staff and invited guests could donate blood in the bank’s head office building. Takarékbank was pleased to join Banking Blood Donation Week, the common initiative of the Hungarian Banking Association, the banking sector, the National Blood Service and the Hungarian Red Cross. “There's something you can't buy for money. It is blood, the liquid tissue that cannot be purchased and isn’t available on international markets - it can only be acquired through blood donation...”- stressed József Vida, Chairman and CEO of Takarékbank, who himself gave blood. “We estimate that by the end of the week we could potentially reach 600 blood donors in total. We wish to thank bank staff for participating in this noble initiative in such high numbers" - said Dr. Sándor Nagy, Professional Deputy Director-General of the National Blood Supply Service. In his welcome speech, Levente Kovács, Chief Secretary of the Hungarian Banking Association also pointed out the importance of setting an example and blood donation, and announced that after the Banking Blood Donation Week, a Digital Fast Track programme would also be launched at the end of the year to supply underprivileged students and schools with IT devices.

For further information on conducting interviews or with any queries please, contact Ágnes Sütő, Deputy Chief Secretary of Communications at the Hungarian Banking Association  at or on +36 70 9381609


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