Useful Information

2012. September 13.

Intraday Settlements System

The intraday settlements system went live on July 2, 2012.

As opposed to the T+1-day execution time in the previous system, electronic payment instructions in the new system are executed on the same day. Thus, the customer receives the money one day earlier. (All other types of payments, including direct debits and paper-based credit transfer instructions are processed in the previous system).

2012. September 13.

New Central Credit Bureau

In October 2011, Parliament passed a new and independent act on the Central Credit Bureau (Act CXII of 2011). The new legislation has re-regulated and expanded the scope of one of the most important common information systems of the Hungarian banking sector, the central credit information system. The new act has put an end to a long drawn-out issue: complementing the negative list database with positive data has been a long demand of the sector.